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Typebuild makes it possible to create container images using typescript.

Instead of this


FROM golang:1.18.0-alpine3.15 as builder
RUN apk add git
RUN --mount=target=. go build -o /binary

FROM scratch as final
COPY --from=builder --link /binary /app

You can do this


import { BindMount, Image, Scratch } from "";

const golangImage = "golang:1.18.0-alpine3.15";
const binary = "/binary";
const entrypoint = "/app";
const mounts = [new BindMount({ target: "." })];

const builder = new Image(golangImage)
  .run("apk add git")
  .run(`go build -o ${binary}`, mounts);

export default new Scratch()
    from: builder,
    source: binary,
    destination: entrypoint,

And of course, since this is TypeScript, you can refactor your build file and it could look something like this

import { Golang } from "";

export default new Golang().build();